

Kirkby Moor via Gawthwaite and Burlington Slate Quarry

An easy 6 mile walk with views over the Irish Sea. The bright sun sparkling off the powdery snow which fell recently made this a very pleasant walk!
One man and his dog have passed this way!
Sir John Barrow Monument standing sentry on top of Hoad
Looking towards Coniston
Lake District Hills
Sandscale Haws and the North End of Walney from Kirkby Moor Windfarm

Black Combe from Kirkby Moor Windfarm
Burlington Slate Quarry

Black Combe

The Duddon Valley, snow free

A snowy seat at the end of our walk!

Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoyed the photos.


One Misty Moisty Morning in January 2012

A cold misty morning walk along the "Reddies"
Sunrise over the rooftops

Seed head silhouettes

 Early morning paddle on Mill Beck, locally known as the Red River, or Reddies

 Early morning mist lingers in the fields near Parkhouse Farm


Grey Squirrel

Out and about searching for some breakfast

Sandstone carving in the grounds of the Abbey Mill Cafe

The former ticket office at Furness Abbey

The late medieval arches of Bow Bridge

Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoyed the photos.


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